David and I went TOGETHER to Gdansk a week ago (David often goes up for part of his work-week, but this was my first trip there) leaving by train from Warszawa Centralna station and arriving four and a half hours later. This shot (sorry it's blurry, but the only one of David taken on the trip :( is on our return trip two days later, Saturday afternoon. We enjoyed the express train, which got us back half an hour sooner than our departing train and private cabin and some much needed pleasure reading time for David during his long, intense week of work.
Gdansk is a beautiful city with a rich history. It has changed nationality 4 or 5 times in the last 400 years. After World War I and the defeat of the Germans, Poland was again recognized as a sovereign nation. Gdansk, however, was designated as an independent city with it's own national charter and constitution. It wasn't until after WWII that Gdansk became part of Poland again under the Soviet Union. The architecture is strongly influenced by its German history. The old town is simply fabulous and is one of the most popular tourist spots in Central Europe.